Full image (linked) HTML LWR doesn't just change the outfits it overall improves faces. Did Dragbody finish his Ultimate Legion Overhaul or is it still a work in progress? Sort by. Image AEEBE233-C05-D-4-C3-C-8037-87429-FE30-F2-E in We Are Legion album NCR Ultimate Overhaul by dragbody - Fallout New Vegas. good job However this turned Arizona Slave Army into a master for we are legion, when all I wanted was to use that specific armour, not the whole mod. 2 comments Pages 1 Forum thread Ogramirad. Caesars New Regime is great, thx dragbody! He has a version for NCR as well, Powder Gangers, and great khans. dragbody added nutty111 as a friend 02 February 2021, 2:20AM. 3709 images 17 albums 0 We are Legion We are Legion. dragbody endorsed an image Doctor 06 February 2021, 6:23AM. dragbody endorsed an image RIP Desert Ranger 35 we will all miss you 07 February 2021, 7:44PM. Be sure to add these to the user pics for the Legion Power Armor! New Vegas modder. I used NVEdit to copy the armours by using 'copy as new record into' and copied them into We are Legion.